25 years today
Gracias por siempre mirarme. Te extraño todos los dias.
Enough said.
The life and times of me here, there and everywhere. But mostly on my sofa.
So this morning Janet called and wanted to know if I wanted to go to the pool, I said "yes" because I am so white and Joe came and got me and off we went. Laid out for a little bit, it's hotter than anything outside, and then Joe was going to get Raul so he told me he would drop me off. Joe, Joey, Paul, Raul and Andy were going to the bullfight today at 3:30 but needed to be there a little after 3 so that Paul might get to play soccer beforehand (it's a thing they do, play soccer with a younger bull before the actual fight).
Last night a bunch of people came to the club and it was fun and we got home late and I went to bed around 2:30 or closer to 2:45. I didn't drink but 3 beers because Janet and I sort of split the shift (not really though because I only worked for like 7 minutes...). So I slept in today (way) and haven't done crap all day. Working tonight though as it is Tuesday.
I was emailing with my friend Vic today in Hillsboro and told her I had to go, I was leaving to go to Playa del Carmen for the day with the familia Cerutti. I told her when I was signing off that it was the same as any other Monday when I worked up there - you couldn't talk to me anyway. When I worked in the escrow biz I was a major, full blown bitch most of the time, and Mondays, seriously, I just didn't want to talk to anyone. I took phone calls and stuff like that, and faked it, but I was always in a crappy mood and most of my coworkers knew it and dealt with it. It isn't like that here but sometimes I find myself in a shitty mood on a Monday and kinda laugh about it. To myself though because I am usually not in the mood to be social.
Nancy got home from NY on Friday, and phoned me first thing Saturday morning to say hello. I did all of my errands and saw Andy at the Walmart, he asked if I was coming over later. I said I would. Got home, posted about the hell that is the CFE paying situation, and around 6pm I went over to the Myers residence (SM 15, Calle Pedernal). Boring cab ride. Laura and Ruben were there - they work for Nancy in her office - Nancy and Andy have a dental office in Mercado 28 though Andy is not licensed to do dental work in Mexico. Laura is Nancy's right hand gal. I joined the four of them on the front patio, where Andy and Ruben were sipping 1800 Añejo. Well, I guess maybe I'll have just one....
So when I moved here I was told there were different places to pay different bills. Like you can pay your Cablemas bill at the Oxxo, which I have 2 buildings away from me, if you don't set it up on autopay. You pay your CFE (electric) at the YZA farmacia, you can also pay some bills at the bank. Oxxo is also where you get your phone cards for your land line (if you prepay minutes like I do) and your cel phone (which are mostly all prepaid minutes). Love the Oxxo.
The apartment is a mess. I have lacked all motivation. I need some serious intellectual stimulation, gosh darn it.
while I wait to go over tothe Ceruttis and then on to Over 30 (again!). It's pouring rain out in the back of the apartment, but dry as a bone out front. I waited for a few minutes to see if it passed over the building but, nope. It just stopped out back. That's why if you want to go to the beach and its pouring rain in your 'hood, you really can chance it and go because the odds are good it's sunny in the ZH. Nice having a webcam available too.
Soooo... Sunday night I moved to the Ceruttis apartment in SM 17 - their building is new and though I know mine is stable and all that I just felt better not being alone. They moved their mattress into the living room and we sat around and watched TV into the evening. I fell asleep as did they but with the TV on (I need that to help me sleep anyway). We had some power flickers but didn't lose any. In the middle of the night (okay maybe around midnight or so) the power flickered enough to turn the TV off but I didn't turn it back on, just went back to sleep on the couch.
Thousands upon thousands of us!
Big Guns was not fired, at least not yet anyway. I worked for Janet who worked for Joe last night, a very late night, but not without its rewards. Big Guns asked if I was staying in his country forever and I answered, I don't know, depends on the offer...
Thanks, Neil. So it looks like the path is coming right at me, of course. According to Raul I really shouldn't worry, but just make sure we have food and water and candles/flashlights, and tape for the windows. Also he said to be prepared for being without electric and/or water for a couple days, but since I am a pro at the no water thing that should be a snap. This should be an experience anyway.
Only because they are the only gods of water that I could find on such short notice... The Aguakan truck came tonight and filled up our sistern (I guess). Now we wait for the pump (I guess). This living without water for four days is craziness. Not sure if this fixes the problem (because what happens tomorrow when we have all flushed and done our dishes and showered?). Who knows. Am I glad for Joe and Janet and their fabulous apartment with running water and sealed windows and walls... plus, you know, they are really good friends.
So Kim came last Wednesday and just left this morning at like 5:15am (so I went back to bed til about 10:45am). We hung out here in Cancun Wednesday and Thursday (La Taberna Wednesday and Over 30 Thursday) and then Friday we went to Playa del Carmen for the weekend. It rained Friday in the day but never fear, we were greeted almost immediately by a well-versed and charismatic Utah-ian named Kie, who had a few bottles of tequila laying around his swim-up room (next door to ours) so we imbibed a little (cough cough) and b.s.'d alot. Fun. Later that afternoon we met Rhonda and Melanie from Houston, Texas, two girls who were on a short vacation from their lives and, it appears, accomplished everything they set out to do ~ great gals, truly, it was alot of fun chewing the fat with them. Met some other fun folks at the hotel bar - that Egyptian kid from LA and the couple from Arlington VA who competed with me on the '80s music. Sometimes you meet people and just know you would be friends with them if you lived nearby.
My friend is coming in from Portland today, her flight arrives at 12:16 and that Janet is going to drive me to the airport. That Janet is a keeper. I went in to make the guest bed up and saw (to my dismay) an unwanted (and assuredly upside down) visitor. Crap. Well after much deliberation I decided that part of the entertainment of this trip of Kim's would be that she gets to pick up her first bug...
was doing some sort of weird wavey thing - by the end of the evening (I go to bed promptly at 11) it was completely out. Great. My neighbor, with the same kind of apartment situation, once spent like 3 or 4 days trying to find her replacement bulb, and she has a car. I can't remember where she got it. And plus then I have to take the gross yellowing plastic cover thing off of it to change it if/when I do find it. Then this morning when I got up I turned on the overhead light in the kitchen and POP out it went. I have changed that bulb 3 times since I have been here. So it was totally dark because of TD 3 (raining like a crazy mofo out there) and I kept thinking (like I always do) about what is in the cupboard where the lightbulbs are (nothing, and actually this time not even lightbulbs, lucky there were two in the bathroom cupboard), then what is in the glass lamp globe cover thingy (nothing again but I wore rubber gloves just in case) and then what might be on the floor/in the sink once I can actually see again (nothing, nothing). I won't get too comfortable.
I have to clean this freaking apartment, right now. I have put it off all morning. I have been up now for over 2 hours! It's not too hot outside/inside, I have had some coffee (Starbucks), so let's get to it.
No pictures of the rain from yesterday in the online Novedades by the way. Maybe it will let up enough for me to bring my laundry across the street... I'll do that later....
Edited 12:47 pm.: So I changed the bed, hung up all of my laundry that was on the sofa and draped over my desk in my room, cleaned my bedroom and scoped out the 2nd bedroom, then took over 9 kilos of laundry to the lavandaria across the street (not ready til mañana en la TARDE!), did some dishes and scoped out the situation. Then I called Martha (my landlord). Sandra the cleaning woman is coming over tomorrow around 12:30 to clean my apartment. She just does it so much better than I could and frankly I just have too much to do. For $130 MN, I am going with the professional.
I learned how to link in the middle of a paragraph. I think I'm cool.
Transportation around Cancun, for those of us with no automobile, consists of buses and taxis. The bus costs $6.5 MN (like $.61 US) (less actually if you are truly a Cancunense which really I am not), and the taxis around centro, for the most part, are $15 MN (or $1.40 US). Plus things around my neighborhood and that fit my need are mostly walkable. I used to walk two blocks (good sized blocks, mind you) to the bus stop on Xcaret on the other side of Plaza las Palmas, and catch the bus to the beach, when I went to Playa Langosta (no matter where you go on that bus it's $6.5 MN). Every now and again if I felt like getting home faster or if there were 90 people at the bus stop I would hail a cab back to my apartment (even the bus stop dropping you off on Coba and La Costa is like 3 buildings from my building, ridiculously close, practically curbside). It would cost either $40 MN or $50 MN, depending on the taxista - one told me one day that it would be $50 and I said, "Pero ayer era $40!" And he said to me, in English, "Yes, but you are white." So I sat back in my seat and said, "Well, okay, since you're honest."
So I sent my mom a flowering plant for her birthday, which was yesterday. I got home at like 6pm on Wednesday and tried to order for the next day on flowers.com, but they told me I was too late to have them deliver it the next day. So I went to the Beaverton Florist's webpage (www.beavertonflorist.com) and ordered this flowering plant and of course there was no issue. All my info (address, phone and stuff like that) is to Rhonda in Beaverton, so I paid for it and went on my merry way. Spent the day at the Sunset in the ZH with the Ceruttis and their guests and even phoned my mom to wish her a happy birthday (the Ceruttis have a NY cell still with unlimited minutes - so like its like calling from NY to Oregon, very handy, not like having to do an internet call from dialpad or paying thru the nose direct).