Monday, July 04, 2005

Quit screwing around and get started already!

Last night as I sat here in the rain with the TV on in the background while I surfed the net, I noticed that the flourescent bulb in the breakfast bar area of my kitchen

was doing some sort of weird wavey thing - by the end of the evening (I go to bed promptly at 11) it was completely out. Great. My neighbor, with the same kind of apartment situation, once spent like 3 or 4 days trying to find her replacement bulb, and she has a car. I can't remember where she got it. And plus then I have to take the gross yellowing plastic cover thing off of it to change it if/when I do find it. Then this morning when I got up I turned on the overhead light in the kitchen and POP out it went. I have changed that bulb 3 times since I have been here. So it was totally dark because of TD 3 (raining like a crazy mofo out there) and I kept thinking (like I always do) about what is in the cupboard where the lightbulbs are (nothing, and actually this time not even lightbulbs, lucky there were two in the bathroom cupboard), then what is in the glass lamp globe cover thingy (nothing again but I wore rubber gloves just in case) and then what might be on the floor/in the sink once I can actually see again (nothing, nothing). I won't get too comfortable.

I have to clean this freaking apartment, right now. I have put it off all morning. I have been up now for over 2 hours! It's not too hot outside/inside, I have had some coffee (Starbucks), so let's get to it.

No pictures of the rain from yesterday in the online Novedades by the way. Maybe it will let up enough for me to bring my laundry across the street... I'll do that later....

Edited 12:47 pm.: So I changed the bed, hung up all of my laundry that was on the sofa and draped over my desk in my room, cleaned my bedroom and scoped out the 2nd bedroom, then took over 9 kilos of laundry to the lavandaria across the street (not ready til maƱana en la TARDE!), did some dishes and scoped out the situation. Then I called Martha (my landlord). Sandra the cleaning woman is coming over tomorrow around 12:30 to clean my apartment. She just does it so much better than I could and frankly I just have too much to do. For $130 MN, I am going with the professional.


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