Sunday, July 24, 2005

Weekend haps

Nancy got home from NY on Friday, and phoned me first thing Saturday morning to say hello. I did all of my errands and saw Andy at the Walmart, he asked if I was coming over later. I said I would. Got home, posted about the hell that is the CFE paying situation, and around 6pm I went over to the Myers residence (SM 15, Calle Pedernal). Boring cab ride. Laura and Ruben were there - they work for Nancy in her office - Nancy and Andy have a dental office in Mercado 28 though Andy is not licensed to do dental work in Mexico. Laura is Nancy's right hand gal. I joined the four of them on the front patio, where Andy and Ruben were sipping 1800 AƱejo. Well, I guess maybe I'll have just one....

Janet had called earlier to see if I wanted to have dinner at Perico's with them. I thought about it at first and then decided not to go, I have been twice and the second time was not as fun as the first (not that it was NOT fun), but I told her to phone me when they were done with dinner as they were taking the boys to Over 30 in the ZH to meet Karisma and then dropping them at Corona Bar. They had gone to the pool and beach at the Sunset too, but since I had so much to do I did not go.

Anyway their reservations were at 8:30 so they swung by the Myers' place to introduce the boys. We finished one bottle and were making a nice dent in the second when they got there. The Ceruttis were in several different shades of burnt but they looked good and vacation-y. After a drink they were off, and shortly after 9:30 Andy dropped me off at my apartment - Laura, Ruben and he wanted tacos.

Later Janet called and they came and got me and we went to Over 30 (again!) but didn't stay long as the sun burn was killing the boys and I imagine the food made them tired. Back home we went, got home around I don't know, 1:30 or something, and OF COURSE, for the 2nd night in a row Cablemas let me down, no tv, no internet. God that is irritating. Couple that with the fact that I just went to wash some dishes and no water. Nancy actually said this was normal though, and she has been here 7 years, I just don't know what to think anymore.

Today I lounged. Did nothing. Tomorrow I think we are all going down to Playa to see a cenote at Chaak Tun maybe (?) and check things out, then a bunch of folks - Nancy and Andy, maybe Carmen and Chris - are going to - GUESS WHERE?! - Over 30!! I think Janet and I will split the shift just so both can have some social time.

I don't have a crush on Big Guns anymore, by the way, he was busted making out with some random white chick customer over by the men's room Friday night, which I take to mean he is a hound and typical resort-city waiter. Which really never bothered me when you are only out for one thing, but frankly it's a wide world out there and odds are good she was skanky.

Now I am back to needing some scenery at the local ~ !


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