Thursday, July 21, 2005

Back in business

Soooo... Sunday night I moved to the Ceruttis apartment in SM 17 - their building is new and though I know mine is stable and all that I just felt better not being alone. They moved their mattress into the living room and we sat around and watched TV into the evening. I fell asleep as did they but with the TV on (I need that to help me sleep anyway). We had some power flickers but didn't lose any. In the middle of the night (okay maybe around midnight or so) the power flickered enough to turn the TV off but I didn't turn it back on, just went back to sleep on the couch.

I pretty much slept through it. I would wake up to the sound of the rain and the wind, which was louder than anything, and sort of pulled the blanket over my leg and nearer my face when I thought the window might blow, but nothing like that happened. Lots of wind battering things around but I was able to fall back to sleep each time with little problem.

Woke up around 6:30 and cleaned up a little. One thing was that the Ceruttis never lost power completely, and so therefore they had water and air and ceiling fans and all that good stuff. Joe got up and we got dressed and decided to take a little trip to the Zona Hotelera and check out Over 30. Janet declined. Joe is a little bit like Bob Bailey, wants to get into the thick of things when you probably shouldn't.

So when we ran into the police road block going into the ZH we lied and told the guy Joe owned the building and they let us through. The ZH was littered with tree limbs and water and debris but no major damage. The club doors were wide open and another door on the side had blown down, holes in the roof and water all over, but for the most part just required cleanup. We stayed for awhile and then went back to centro, drove by my apartment (I forgot my keys at Janet's) and saw that my a/c unit was still in the window and nothing had blown out.

I stayed at the Ceruttis Monday night as well (mid day Monday we went back to my apartment, which we now call The Mirage. Credit to Janet - basically you think it has water but its an illusion... and there was water, rain water that is, all over my entry area that came in thru the front door. Mopped that up and got some clean clothes and went back to SM17, or as I like to call it, the Emerald City). Then came back home on Tuesday morning - the power was back but no cable so no TV or internet. But power is good.

Power ended up being not so good as about 9:30pm Tuesday night the lights went out for about 30 seconds, and then they came back on, but dim. So this is what a brown out is... I just went to bed.

I sat here playing solitaire and reading until about 3. Janet was going to Walmart (one of her sons is in town, the other is actually probably here today now too) and would come pick me up so that I could shower (no power = no water for me) and go on to Over 30 which was opening last night for the first time since the storm. At 3 the power went out again, completely. My refridgerator was already leaking melting ice all over the kitchen so I just packed a bag and left it to its own...

Went to the bar with them - they were working - had some beers, talked a goodly amount to that fox of a bartender, you know the one, you think I could do a whole post and NOT mention him at least once?? The place was a morgue, but so was the rest of the ZH - people about but not like normal. Things will be back to total normal today or tomorrow, I am sure.

Survived. It wasn't so bad in Cancun but I cannot say the same for points south. The worst is that these folks can't work when the hotels are closed and they do everything they can to get things opened up for the tourists that keep them in business.

Sick of typing.


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