Monday, July 25, 2005

Monday is much different here

I was emailing with my friend Vic today in Hillsboro and told her I had to go, I was leaving to go to Playa del Carmen for the day with the familia Cerutti. I told her when I was signing off that it was the same as any other Monday when I worked up there - you couldn't talk to me anyway. When I worked in the escrow biz I was a major, full blown bitch most of the time, and Mondays, seriously, I just didn't want to talk to anyone. I took phone calls and stuff like that, and faked it, but I was always in a crappy mood and most of my coworkers knew it and dealt with it. It isn't like that here but sometimes I find myself in a shitty mood on a Monday and kinda laugh about it. To myself though because I am usually not in the mood to be social.

Today we went to a cenote, Chaak Tun, in Playa del Carmen. It was fun, lots of bats, I didn't swim but the familia did. After that we had some lunch at El Oasis and took a little walk around, then came home. Fun day. Going to the bar tonight to split the shift with Janet, there are some friends joining us and Janet never gets to be the one that sits and chit chats, so I will take over so she can.

Not much else. Water for a second shower today, what a luxury.

Blah. Mondays are still Mondays, I guess.


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