Sunday, December 11, 2005

Hanging with the gente

So today I am going to meet Bob, Linda, Steve, Joan and Roy over at VCI and then head off to Champions at the Marriott to watch football. Linda works for Marriott and gets a food discount, but not on alcohol. That's the most expensive part! I don't think the Casa Magna is open yet but Champions has been open for a few weeks, I hope it isn't crowded, kinda think it won't be. I couldn't convince them to go to Caliente where you can see a lot more games, but nobody ever listens to the white girl, why start now?

Yesterday was our IWC Holiday Tea. Held at the Hacienda Sisal, a restaurant outside the Royal Sands, it started at 9:30. We were to bring a toy (did I mention Sr Cara de Papa? Hm... Well I brought a Mr Potato Head) and a homemade dish (I bought pastries at Walmart, I don't have an oven) (or time) (or desire). Kim picked me up at 8:30 (we told Nancy we would come early to set up). That little Rauly was in charge of the karaoke, so he was there when we arrived.

We had a decent turnout. Food, raffle prizes (um, yeah, whatever, this thing set me back about $250 MN and I won a blow up snow man-in-a-beach-ball... woops, I must have forgotten it). People sang some karaoke, mostly Rudy Garcia and Cynthia Davis, which was nice because Cyntha is a professional singer here in town (fabulous fabulous voice) and Rudy, a reporter for the Miami Herald Cancun Edition, was quite the crooner. Raul had to run to La Distileria at around 12:30 to pick something up, and I waited for him and pulled down all of our equipment. Turns out I spent some quality time with the meseros too because he didn't get back to the Sisal until around 1:25 and I was the only one left. That's cool, I can hang with the gente.

Wierd because it doesn't seem like Christmas. I mean, the city is all decorated but it's just so sunny. In Oregon I am so used to swimming through the day, wading through flooded streets and scraping the mud off my shoes with a stick. THAT's Christmas... I don't decorate for the holidays when I live sola (um, look around here, I don't decorate, period) and it's not like I have to go Christmas shopping or anything. I think as soon as it gets a little bit closer maybe...

Well, it will sooner than later. Carmen is having a Christmas party on Saturday night. Jan Jan and Joe will be home by then, and Kim is also coming, so that might be festive. And then I spoke with Janet yesterday and we talked about having a little open house at Cancun Plaza on Christmas Day (and when I say "little" I mean LITTLE - her studio is a going to be a bit cramped but there is a deck and an amazing view and the option of laying down on the bed I guess). Kim and I also talked about getting together for Christmas Eve, the traditional party night here in Mexico and all Mexican-saturated areas of the world. So that will be fun.

I really need to see about contacting Linda McG about a job, time is seriously running out. I need to figure out a plane ticket. I need to get in the US mode. UGH I wish we didn't have that STUPID hurricaine. I mean, I'd still probably be moving back but at least the few friends that left might be around so I could say goodbye to them. Oh well.

The only constant is change.

Bleh, I hate it.


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