Tuesday, November 29, 2005

I fell.

I was due.

I used to fall down. Alot. Mi cuñada Jill will tell you that she was around alot during my heyday of falling down. Sometimes I would trip, over nothing. Just trip. And land, like, in the middle of a busy street in Tempe, Arizona. Or fall off steps and get tangled up in my blouse and not be able to get up. Or fall up the stairs. Some of you remember the post early on here where I fell on the last step in the rain. Or there was the time I was running across Beaverton-Hillsdale Highway and tripped over the curb and landed on my forehead in the bushes. Or when I walked out of the Broadway Saloon and just fell backward onto the sidewalk. Seriously, I could go on and on.

So today, I went over to the Oxxo (LOVE the Oxxo) to get some things, a big bottle of Coca Lite and some Arizona Te Verde (con miel), and when I was walking back, I cut between a car and the building next door to mine. Then, boom, tripped over the little curb there. I knew it was there, I just undershot it. Apparently I was going at a pretty good clip because I didn't even have time to try to break my fall with the other foot. Just went down, and skidded on my hands and right knee. Of course my bag of carbonated beverages went flying, and of COURSE there was a pedestrian passing by, a fairly nice looking man, who came running over to me yelling, Are you okay? in English. By this time I was up (I generally pop right up after a fall, you know, just in case the 78 people that witnessed it happen to blink at the same time), and he picked up my stuff and said things like, What a way to meet you, and You're bleeding, and Are you going to be okay? I laughed it off like all jackasses will do when they are mortally embarrassed, told him the only thing that hurt was my pride, and thanked him for his help. Shakily I walked across the lot to my apartment, climbed the stairs, fumbled with the lock and came inside.

Because I fall I had things like hydrogen peroxide and neosporin and big gauze pads and first aid tape. I cleaned up, assessed the damage (knee is really the only thing that looks bad) and opened the Coca Lite in the sink. I'm a little shaky still but I'll be fine. It's just really embarrassing.

So I thought I would tell you.


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