Live from Mid Beaverton, It's Saturday Morning...
Where was I? Yeah, so I moved Tuesday. The movers (luckily) were like an hour behind schedule so I braved mid-day Beaverton traffic and got the money and walk-thru part out of the way, then headed back to Multnomah. Mark and Marshy came by after work and helped me pull crap out of boxes and kill spiders and stuff like that. There is still way too much to do.
Wednesday I met the cable guy and knocked that out, mid-day again (fool that I am) so as far as leisure is concerned I am in pretty good shape. Caught up on "Big Love" and "Entourage", and yet as I sit here and look into my bedroom, it is pretty much an explosion of suitcases and space bags and unwashed laundry. WHY AM I ALWAYS DOING THIS?!
So I spent the week in Lincoln Tower, working in a unit that is traditionally very busy - though they were not THAT busy this week, they were still busier than seemingly everyone else. So I had plenty to do while I broke out and raced all over hell and gone. I got a cookie bouquet as a thank you from one client, so that was nice. I think I like floating because you can be nice and people buy you presents. The problem with having your own desk is that pretty soon they realize what a bitch you are and the presents stop coming. I like presents.
I noticed too that I don't have a lot of pictures lately, so I will find my camera and maybe take some photos. It's always nice to tune in and see some fun color, right? Yeah okay.
Socially, I have been out and about, and that's been fun, though very hard on the shit that is still all over the floor over there in my bedroom. I think I go out more during the week than on the weekend and that makes NO sense.
Um, you know, I think I better go finish this crap up. I am mildly concerned that I will run into some spiders so I am stalling (obviouslY), but seriously if I don't get it done now, while I have just the right amount of caffeine (not too much to make me want to nap), it may never happen. So here I go.
Hi Joyceee,
We want pictures of your new apartment, and your new neighborhood, and throw in one or two of yourself, too.
Yes, Joycie's place is pretty nice indeed. It makes me think of something...why is it that, when I go to the mall or the grocery store or the drug store, it's a geriatric convention? Are all these people waiting in their thresholds for me to get out of my car and then rushing the aisleways and checkstands? It's 3:45 for God's sake...shouldn't they all be at the Village Inn?
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