Sunday, July 09, 2006

Not telling

Okay. The problem is I can't really SAY anything because I don't know who (if anyone) at work might read this. Well I know of one guy but I don't really work for/with him anymore but he IS industry and this industry is TINY.

Anyway, I am plugging along at it (the decision) and realizing right now it is probably the best one for me. Is that cryptic enough?

I haven't had much to say for the week. It's been insanely busy at work and me without an assistant is just not a good thing. Where is Jodi when I need her? Henceforth, I am on my way into the office as soon as I finish this coffee and this entry. I just need to get a grip on some things there that cannot be gripped with the phone ringing. It's early enough now that if I want to lay in the sun still I have plenty of time to do so.

Nothing controversial going on in my life really, no big issues that cause me to climb on my soapbox and expound, I haven't made out with anyone recently... pretty boring stuff. This, my friends, is me aging. And honestly, I am not ready to be "done" yet. I don't think that makes me a bad person.

Oh, I rented "Hotel Rwanda" last night. Oh my hell. Oh my bloody hell. See, if I was a more informed, more politically inclined person I would have known all about it when it happened. But I am just one of those people that Joaquin Phoenix described in the movie, when Don Cheadle told him that maybe Joaquin's horridly explicit footage of the genocide might be the Rwandans' only chance to get the super-powers involved and save them. Joaquin said, pretty much, yeah, they will probably see it, say 'that's terrible', and go back to eating their dinner. It bothers me, that line, because I am sure I did that. But mostly because I just never involved myself with stuff like that, I mean, I don't know enough about any of that stuff to think more than passing thoughts. The trouble today is that we are so desensitized to everything around us, thanks to the blockbuster movies and the media showing us atrocities that just seem like more movie footage. But I won't make excuses - it is our responsibility as human beings to understand some of this, and do what we can. I just don't know what that is right now. The whole thing sparked some pretty intense dreams for me, which leave me feeling like I need to do something (though I don't know what), and I always try to listen to the really instense dreams, especially when it is almost as if you can hear them outloud (no, I am not crazy).

I also rented "Meet the Fockers". I turned it off at about the scene where they just got to the Fockers' house. I could foresee too much bedlam that would make me nervous and frankly, I am not a big sequel fan. My expectations are too high. Plus, I never really forgave the girlfriend in "Meet the Parents" for not being at all supportive of her boyfriend during such a horrible experience. So as much as I love Babs, I couldn't see wasting the better part of an additional hour and 45 minutes on the thing. I know one thing, I will never get a job as a film critic.

Okay, enough is enough, got to go to work...


At 5:27 PM, July 09, 2006, Blogger SS said...

Ok, fine. We'll be patient!! Lol

You did get on your soap box a little and you couldn't be more right about being desensitized!


At 6:57 PM, July 09, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fascination of abomination. What makes ya look?


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