Friday, May 19, 2006

Friday morning random thoughts that have no patter. *Edit - Hahahahahahaaha "patter"... I meant "PATTERN"

I have to teach a class today and I kinda don't want to. It's later in the day and my hair will look like shit by then, it's not looking so great right now.

They are calling for rain in a few hours and that is a drag as well, considering it's been warm all week and nice. I keep thinking that as soon as it rains I am going to lose power or get a couple bugs in here, but I have to keep remembering I don't live in Cancun anymore. Funny how I can't shake that.

I am going to bring the Wilma video to work today to show Imelda. I would say maybe 2 people in the whole office (and it's big) knew we had one. I guess that isn't so surprising. But even then they looked at me like I was lying when I said it sat over us for 3 days. I think they think it sat over us for 3 days and just rained, without the 145 mile per hour winds. Whatever. It's not my job to educate them.

I had some kind of disturbing conversations with that Imelda yesterday, in terms of the way the white chicks in there perceive the Emerging Markets group (in other words, the non-native- English-speaking group*). They are referred to as "them" (even I have heard that). They feel alienated and separate (though they are their own unit) and I never see them talking with anyone. Imelda says it's because of the attitude the rest of the office has about them. I think I am going to start being outspoken. It might be time.

Okay, killed enough time to go hit my Friday Starbucks run. Off to work!
*Right now that group is only Spanish-speaking, because the market for that here is huge. But they are actively interviewing Russian-, Korean- and Vietnamese-speaking assistants as well, to cover the biggest markets. It's pretty cool. It's not so much that we are supporting people not speaking or understanding English, but rather making it easier for those for whom English is not their native language to be able to be fully aware of what they are signing. It's called courtesy, and everyone could use a little of that.


At 8:17 AM, May 19, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Whatever. It's not my job to educate them."

Very funny. LOL. I like how you just blew off the misery we were all in since nobody could really understand it unless they were in it.

At 1:23 PM, May 19, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hola Joyceeee,

I'm off to Cancun early tomorrow morning, so I just wanted to say adios.

Don't post any flashbacks until I return, por favor.

love ya!


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