Saturday, October 23, 2010


It's dangerous for me to be fired up about our #1 ranking in most polls, but what the hell. Go Ducks! I just finished up a ridiculously busy week in Hillsboro (well, not really as I'll be back Monday morning to ease the escrow officer back on to the desk) and let me tell you. Friday afternoon was never so welcome. It was tough, I swore a lot, I threw a couple of things around the office but not nearly as badly as I used to, and it was a little bit of old home week to boot.

I've been in touch quite a bit with an old friend from Southern Cal days - not much to it due to his current status, which believe me is FINE with me, but apparently he's enjoying reliving the old days. Okay. Then I got a call for a referral on one old coworker (much more recent) from another old coworker (even more recent) and a phone call from yet another old coworker, who, later in the week, dropped by. It's always fun to reminisce and catch up. Except for when, for every five minute break you take, you get 18 new emails and voicemails. So that kind of sucks. But hey, here I am on the other side of it alive. There you go.

I'm starting to get fired up about Mexico in December. Not super-fired up, as it's a month and change away, and I haven't started tanning yet, but now and again I'll look up from the pandemonium and say, Oh hey, I'm going on vacation. That brightens my thoughts for about 3.5 seconds until I'm forced to read an email from an agent who would prefer I do HIS job instead of HIM doing his job. In retrospect, I should have just responded, Hey, happy to do that for you. Now, what time can I expect you over here to work up three refis, give four fee quotes, scan in some extensions, pull CCRs on a defunct HOA, do three net sheets and work up a short sale HUD?

It's raining. I have some errands to run and the mother to grocery shop for (oh yay) and then, because the Ducks played Thursday, plan on spending a leisurely afternoon watching the Oklahoma game. It's a calm day.

It wasn't so calm earlier in the week, however. All work business aside, I got home on Monday night to the kitties going batshit in my second bedroom/office. Batshit. Running from one wall to the other, climbing up on things, meowing crazily, running, spinning, trying to get something that I couldn't see. I ran in to the kitchen for the Raid and when I came back they were still at it, but I could see nothing. I didn't want to think the obvious, and after a while they mellowed out, but when I reported it back to the girls in Hillsboro the next day the general consensus was "mouse". In my walls. How long does it take do you think for them to chew through my wall?

The next day or two later I called my landlords and they arranged an exterminator. I don't exactly live in the country so I don't need to put up with this. The only problem was that when said exterminator phoned me back he told me it most likely was not a mouse but, rather, a rat. Wow. Thanks for that.

We arranged for me to meet with him Friday morning to set traps and check it all out, but of course there was NO way I could get out of work, so he came alone and set them up outside. Nice. And just now I have been hearing bangs and thuds all over the place in here. The cats aren't freaking out so either it's just me and my vivid imagination, the old broad upstairs, or the kitties are just used to the new member of the family. What the hell. I have nothing else to worry about.

That's it, longest post I've written in ages so I hope it tides you over. I'll keep you posted if necessary regarding the vermin, because we both know there isn't much else going on around here.


At 7:07 AM, October 28, 2010, Blogger Rosas Clan in Tulum said...

hey darling. I am thrilled that you are coming to Mexico in December. Did you figure out where you are staying? Are you going to be in Playa? You do not get to get out of the country this time without visiting me- or me visiting you. cannot wait chica

At 6:16 AM, October 30, 2010, Blogger JJ said...

Mindyloo I will be in Mexico in December, but it's going to take quite a bit of gas to see me ~ I'm actually going to Cabo. Cancun in April, though, I'll keep you posted. :)


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