Thursday, September 08, 2005

The day after

Last night was very fun! On the sly Joe picked up a cake from Pasteleria Creperia (or is it Creperia Pasteleria?) Tuesday night when he went home early during our first set leaving me in a sea of sweat and British karaoke fanatics. Greg was going to paint and instead of doing Marilyn he was going to do Janet, so Joe got some pictures of Janet over to him Wednesday morning. He invited Carmen and Chris and Sharon, and Raul and Marlain (I have no idea how to spell her name), and Nancy (knowing that now Nancy has to get up at 6 to take Lizzie to school and she probably couldn't make it). I told Janet I was coming in just in case she needed to be spelled, we had originally talked about working on each other's birthdays but she declined thinking it would be a drag to be home alone and that she and Joe would just do dinner Thursday night when they both had off.

Wednesday in the day Nancy and I took Janet to lunch at La Palapa, on the lagoon (I feel like I have written this before, have I?), nice lunch, presents, fun, la la. I took a nap in the afternoon and then Joe came by to pick me up around 7:30. On the way back to get Janet, Joe stopped and got another cake, thinking there wouldn't be enough. Hid it in the back of the van.

Got to work and sort of hung out, knowing no one would be really coming for Janet until 10:30 so they could see Greg paint. The boys got Janet a beer and the next thing you know, they are giving her flaming cucarachas (but with vodka instead of tequila). She was having a ball. She got up and sang and Sergio gave her one of those little cellophane wrapped Over 30 candles, then Rafa made her a napkin rose and handed her an inflatable birthday cake, the rose, and the big Over 30 candle holder thingies they use as centerpieces. It would be a lot funnier if I had some visual aids here but apparently I took my previous income for granted and NEVER BOUGHT A DIGITAL CAMERA. I will send some of the pictures to me later though when I go over to the Ceruttis.

Anyhoo, 4 shots and 3 beers later (and Janet NEVER drinks, so this is a LOT), she is wooping it up over by the machine, and Rafa and Sergio get up to sing "Con Todos Menos Conmigo", so Jan-Jan joins them. Hilarious. Not only does she not drink, she doesn't know alot of Spanish, but there she was, doing the hook and even more. By this time I took over the machine and Carmen and Chris and Raul and Marlain showed up. Lots of dancing, fun, more shots for Janet, she clearly had a great time. Anto joined our table as hot as it was, the band did as well while they were on their break. They sang MaƱanitas to Janet and then took her outside to sing Happy Birthday in 3 part harmony - she was teary. THREE cakes (the boys bought her one too), fun and merriment.

All in all she had 6 shots and 5 beers and I just talked to her on the phone, she is alive and well and going to Plaza La Isla with Nancy, Jeanine and I. What a trooper!

Stayed tuned for pictures!


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