Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Waste of a shower

Yeah so it's Tuesday night at 10:35pm and I am posting. Shouldn't I be at work, you ask? Well sure, but I just got home. We got there at 8:15 or so and the building was dark. Everyone was there (except Dante, are you kidding me? He covers for Sergio as manager on Tuesdays and he strolls in around 9pm or thereabouts...), we just didn't have any power.

Joe was an electrician back in the day, so he attempted to do some things with a stereo wire (or something) that scared the crap out of Rafa and Ever, because even though Joe knows what he is doing in the US, this is Mexico. I gave Ever the gong banger thingie (it's made of wood) and told him if Joe's hair stands on end and it appears he is being electrocuted, use it to knock his hands loose. Clearly this did not calm Ever's fears...



Anyway, Dante strolled in around 9pm and attempted to take charge but the guy he got at CFE was drunk, so he made a bunch of phone calls to get someone in to fix it I guess, independent contractors of some sort, who knows, nobody knew anything.

There was a new waiter, Juan Carlos, who apparently works at the centro Over 30, and I had a long chat with him, since the place was pitch black and there was nothing to do. He is fluent in English, and knows how to DJ. He was nice, wish I could see better what he looked like. What irks me is we have three fricking waiters, with varying degrees of English - Rafa's is passable, Roberto's is good, Jesus (who is 16 fucking years old tomorrow for Pete's sake) has none. And then Sergio, the manager, who speaks very good English. Then we have a bartender and a bar back who have zero English, and no DJ. So, somebody please tell me why, when a guy comes in to work at Over 30, with the desire to work in the ZH, who handed in his resume in English, and who knows how to DJ, would they put him in the centro location? It makes NO SENSE. But then, what do I know, I am just some white chick helping out the Ceruttis...

Joe and I left at about 10:10 as there was still no power, but when we were just about to my apartment, Rafa sent a text message saying the power had come back on, but we continued home, by that time it was just too late anyway.

As usual I enjoyed myself because I like those guys. No customers though, we looked closed. And the ice in the cooler will refreeze into one solid mass, I am sure. I'm okay being home though, except I already watched my ER episode for the evening.


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