Monday, August 01, 2005

Update kinda

Just got home from the club (about a half hour ago, actually - had to check for critters, peel off my damp clothing, wash my face, brush my teeth, take out my contacts, and sit down here first) and wanted to report that I am halfway there. Rafa and Ever had tonight off (I never work Mondays but I have been there Mondays and you would think by now I would remember the schedule). Nobody really gave me any grief for my Friday night antics, so it was fine. Big Guns, however, made sure I knew he remembered that I was drunk walking out of the bar. Thanks, big guy. He speaks to me strictly in Spanish, and he , like Chaparro, speaks FAST. Lucky for me he threw in a few hand gestures and acted out the stumbling (okay, I ran into the door jam, but just a little bit, thanks for watching...) so I knew what he was talking about. He did look sharp tonight with his new haircut... say what you want, he may suck as a waiter and a bartender and he may know he is a stone fox but man I just don't care. I could watch him all night... oh, right, I do.

Dinner with Nancy and Janet was nice, we went to Alfredo's, which I highly recommend. To whom right now I am not sure, since it is clear that no one is reading this (otherwise there would be COMMENTS, right?). But nevertheless, I recommend it. The service is unbeatable, as is the food, and the price. Bitchin.

I sweated more tonight, seriously, than I ever have (or maybe it was just the color of my shirt). It showed. Yeee-ick. Even Chaparro was mildly deterred by the look of me (but not for long. It's Chaparro, for God's sake. He even managed to hit my lips when he kissed me goodbye. That kid is getting crafty, I tell you.). It's fricking HOT in Cancun right now. Joe and I were talking about February and how cold I get then (not laying out in the sun, mind you, but in the mornings and evenings).

Okay I had a bunch of coffee after dinner and a Coke after work (during Greg's show, which is awesome) and I am a little buzzed. Time for bed. I have to get up early and get over to the lavandaria tomorrow or all hell will break loose.



At 11:15 AM, August 03, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wish I could have been there to witness the stumbling act. But had I been, I probably would not be able to remember it since I'd have been right there with ya. Glad Big Guns has survived getting canned, how boring would it be without a foxy bartender? You need to get more black shirts like me so the wet doesn't show up so much ;)


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