Monday, October 23, 2006

A word from our sponser

I have said it before, and I will say it again, I am sure, over and over and over again. Blogging is all about what the BLOGGER wants to say. I blog because I feel like it; if people are bored or don't like what I have to say, then oh well. And if people are amused, informed, entertained, then that makes me happy. But the world is full of choices, and any of us can choose not to read someone's blog. It's a much easier choice than, say, red meat over chicken, or even what you're going to wear to work tomorrow.

I don't blog because everyone else is doing it. I've never been accused of doing what everyone else is doing. I blog because I like to say what's on my mind.

Maybe you've noticed.


At 8:06 AM, October 24, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You GO Girl!!!

I for one enjoy your blogs GYNORMOUSLY!!!

Keep on keeping on!


At 4:40 PM, October 24, 2006, Blogger SS said...

WTF...who wouldn't love reading your blog?! It is absolutely hysterical!! Screw anyone who doesn't love it...they can move on!

At 8:42 AM, October 25, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

my question is: why would someone say they didn't like your blog? They must be idiots - your blog is the only worthwhile reading on the internet.
People need to get a life, for God's sake, and start worrying about the important things in life, like what the hell happened to the Ducks last Saturday? I know I can hardly wait for Laguna Beach tonight, which is the highlight of my week, so, see, I'm more concerned about the meaningful things. Remember, people will always dis you for doing the exact thing they can't yet wish they could.


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