Thursday, October 05, 2006

I had something to say when I sat down, but it's gone now

Work is getting better. It's gotten more quiet anyway and I am able to actually get through the stuff on my desk as the day progresses. Big change from the beginning of the week, which SUCKED. My coworkers have mellowed out a little bit too, or they are just watching what they say around me. Today someone who never worked with me before (wasn't employed by the company when I lived here before) told me people are afraid of me. It makes me laugh because if they think I am scarey now good Lord they never would have made it back before I took my little break. I told her I was pleased with that bit of information because it's best not to let people see the co-dependency*. Those of you who met me in Cancun - is it wierd to you to know that I scare people?

Tonight after work Barbie and I went to St. Vincent's hospital and visited our brother in law Jim. He had surgery to correct his diverticulitis. It has been horrible for him, so they took out 8 inches or so of his colon (and believe me, I know all about colons now). Barbie was telling everyone he had 8 FEET of colon removed, but then again, how long is all that stuff in there anyway? Isn't it like a mile or some insane number? So you could see how it could be confusing. On the ride home she was saying that sometimes she wished she wasn't so dramatic (but the funny thing is she realized herself that the way she said it was .... pretty dramatic). I find myself to be a bit on the dramatic side, and frankly, I think it's a nice trait. I like it. I use it. I find it gets me what I want. Isn't that really all that's important? Yes, I think it is.

Tomorrow is casual day and John and I are committed to wearing Duck colors. I have roughly 98 Duck sweatshirts, but I am unsure of the dress code on casual day, and what with my boss being a (gasp) Beaver, I am afraid I might get reprimanded**. I have a sales call so I may just stick with a green sweater and yellow tshirt. Hm. I'll sleep on it.

Not much going on really, now, so in my boredom I check flights. I am just not sure when to go back and I am kinda leery about approaching my boss about it, but still it's nice to have something to look forward to.

Saturday I am getting DVR so it will be good on Thursdays to be able to watch "Betty La Fea" and not miss "The Office". God you know what, I am just out of it today so I am giving up and going to bed. I really started out thinking I had something to say. I guess not.
* I have a long held theory that the more co-dependent you are, the better escrow officer you are. You know, constantly pleasing people and pretty much taking it up the ass all day.

** Plus I have hosed down 2 spiders with Raid in the general vicinity of the sweatshirts and the thought of spider corpses raining down on me at 5:45 am is not pleasant. Yeesh. I hope I can sleep now.


At 1:56 PM, October 06, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Drama does work in certain situations, but sometimes it wears me out, so I can imagine how it wears other people out who are the receipients of my dramatics.
Quit using Raid to kill spiders; you will die of chemicals. Take a deep breath, grab a huge roll of paper towels and smash the damn things. Or get hypnotized.


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