Wednesday, February 22, 2006

A shout out for help

I know that there are more web designers, programmers and other computer-related career folks out there that can help me figure out what the FUCK has gone wrong with my blog's format. I have tried, I have asked Blogger for help, I can't figure it out. I know there is now an extra strip to the right of the "rounded corner" that is supposed to be the edge of the body of the blog but I don't know a) where it came from and b) how to get rid of it. CAN SOMEONE HELP ME? If you think you can, please let me know. It is driving me nuts. I can tell you how to get in to the edit portion of this thing to do it. Leave me a comment or send me an email.

Thanks. I thought I would be smart when I got back here but it appears it hasn't happened yet.


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