Wednesday, November 02, 2005

We interrupt this silence to bring you a quick update

Yeah, hurricanes suck.

I am at Janet's house as I will not have internet through Cablemas for a while yet, maybe another 15 days or so. Which means no TV in my native language either. Don't get me wrong, I am using this opportunity to use the immersion approach to learning Spanish, but it is definitely a drag.

Power comes on, power goes out, power comes back on again. Cancun is improving.

I wrote a couple entries on my own computer at home, so when I get cable back you will see them. With pictures and everything. I apologize in advance for any happy pappy enthusiasm and philosophical bull shit you might have to wade through, but sitting in the dark in your apartment night after night will do some things to your head. So remember where I was.

Thanks to all of you who sent me personal emails (as opposed to unrelated group stuff, that is just rude) knowing that sooner or later in this day and age, and in a country that gets so much crap for being "third world", I would retrieve them. You do not know what it means to get an email from "outside" when you are isolated as we have been. It is like a lifeline, a means of escape, a bit of normalcy in a world that is so not normal. It's like a light at the end of the tunnel, even when the CFE trucks are in your neighborhood for 3 days and still the lights don't come on. Thanks because when I go home and sit in the dark in my apartment at 6pm I didn't feel so completely alone.

I will have to say kudos to the country of Mexico and its people. These people lost alot, some everything and some just a little bit, but they never lost their spirit and their devotion to their community. Rather than sit around and wait for the government to step in, these people came out of their homes and started sweeping up. I am overwhelmingly impressed each and every day.

I'll be back soon.


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