I got nuthin
So yeah, here I am again. Seriously, stuff happens, but I don't think it's blog-worthy. I mean, do you want to hear about how I have female-pattern baldness on one side of my head and so I part my hair on BOTH sides alternating days because if I part it on the left side then when I drive around in the family truckster (which has no a/c) the bangs like blow all willy-nilly onto the WRONG side and then it just looks stupid but if I part it on the right side where the fpb is I will look like something out of Star Trek and not in a good way? Do you really want to read about how many times we drive up and down Kukulkan Bv in one day (last count was in the neighborhood of 6 times in one afternoon)? Or how many times we go into Costco and Mega Commercial Mexicana in a given week? Or how I have a tan line where my watch is and that my right arm is darker than my left on account of the passenger side window?
I didn't think so.
Marita and Dave get in today, and Victoria got in Wednesday night. This morning I sprinted over to the Royal Solaris and picked up some things she brought me. I am hoping they all come into the club tonight, I'm sure they will but you know, it's been a little quiet the last few nights and I guess I just don't want to go in there and not have anyone to chat with.
Tomorrow is the fashion show. Remember the last fashion show? It was way back when, when I first started this blog. It had just finished up. So here we are, full circle. I have not done even 1/10th of what I did the last time around, but a) I haven't been living here and b) I have a job now. But tomorrow morning at 8:15am we will be all shined up and ready to go. Woo hoo. Maybe I'll win something.
But do you see what I mean? This is all crap. Granted I have a lot on my mind, but there is just no content here, and for that I am sorry. So I am off to finish up my inside work and get on with my outside work because for the love of God look what time it is!
Really, i got nothing to say in response either.
Ain't living here FUN!!
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